These are the three primary file formats used to define the game world in the game.

File Structure and Map Definitions

Maps are defined in the DBC File called Map.dbc, which contains a “directory name” used for that map.

Map files themselves are stored inside MPQ archives under the directory world/maps/<directory_name>, where a .wdt file, (somteimes) a .wdl and one or multiple .adt files are commonly stored.


ADT is the primary file format used to define 533.333 yards large squares of a map, and there are thus multiple ADTs present per map. An ADT file itself consists of 16x16 subchunks that can each contain specific things like texture information. ADTs contains the following data:

  • Heightmap: A list of vertices that defines the shape of the terrain by definint how tall it should be. Other transformations, like overhang, is not possible to express with an ADTs heightmap, and must be done using M2 or WMO models.
  • Textures: list of at most 4 textures per subchunk that are painted on top of the heightmap
  • Alphamap: Up to 3 layers of high-resolution masks for how visible the current chunks textures should be on top of the previous layers. Does not include the first texture in the chunk, as it’s always fully visible as long as it’s not covered by others.
  • Vertex Colors: A layer that allow us to tint various part of the landscape to simulate lighting.
  • Water: Defines a special mesh that defines water in the chunk and data about what type of water it is.
    • Consists of multiple “layers” of water that can each have different settings.
  • 3D models: M2 and WMO models that are placed into the world, such as trees, houses and fences.

Since single ADTs only define parts of the game world, there can be multiple adt files present per map. These can be found in the MPQ archive path world\maps\<directory_name>\<directory_name>_<x>_<y>.adt, where x and y defines the files tile coordinates (varying between 0 and 63).

Technical Specification


WDL files contain a low-resolution version of the heightmap in a map, used for drawing things like distant mountains (like Hyjal).

There is a single WDL file per map, and can be found in the MPQ archive path world\maps\<directory_name>\<directory_name>.wdl.

WDL files can be generated by tools like Noggit Red.

Technical Specification


WDT is a special file used to specify exactly what ADT files are present in a map.

There is a single WDT file per map, and can be found in the MPQ archive path world\maps\<directory_name>\<directory_name>.wdt.

WDT files can be generated by tools like adtcreator.

Technical Specification

WMO only maps

Some maps only consists of a single WMO, like Ragefire chasm, and do not contain any adt files.


See the tools section.