
This page contains links to various active and inactive modding communities around the web.

If you want your wow modding community added to this list, just make a [pull request], but no private server advertisements.


Most WoTLK modding communities are on Discord, and it’s where most modders hang around nowadays. Some servers are general modding communities, while others focus on specific tools or emulators.


Forums are still used by some cliques in WoW modding, and it’s where most full guides and tutorials can be found.

  • model-changing (mcnet)
    • Website for WoW modding. Connected to the WoW Modding Community Discord server.
  • ac-web
    • Website and forum for wow emulation and modding, has a lot of repacks.
  • OwnedCore
    • Website for modding, hacking and gold selling. Used to be a central hub for wow modding and contains some useful old guides, but is not used very often by modders anymore.
    • A website that documents many of WoWs binary file formats and DBC layouts. Can be a little messy to read as many pages focus on multiple versions of the game at once.

Inactive / Archives

  • Modcraft
    • Old website for wow modding, now just an archive for old tutorials and resources.
  • Emudevs
    • Another old modding website, with more resources for the server (much of it is now outdated).